Thursday, July 21, 2011

The mystery of the broken body of Jesus.....

Like I said, I was taking communion yesterday bc the Holy spirit had impressed upon me to do this regularly. As I broke the bread I remembered Isaiah 53:'He was wounded for my transgressions,bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement needed for my well being was upon him and by the stripes that wounded him, I am healed and made whole' I pondered this and another scripture came to mind John6:53'...unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the son of man you have no life in you...' whoa! Then the holy spirit spoke these words in my heart 'the mystery of the broken body of Jesus'. His body was broken, so yours and mine wouldn't be. Why did he have to endure being brutalized/beaten/ mocked/tortured prior to the cross? He could have just been put to death right? There was a purpose. It wasn't just random.. oops BTW he got whacked in the process of being taken to the cross - No, God purposefully allowed that bc Isaiah53:10 says it pleased God to bruise him. WHY? Well, if you continue to read to the end you'll see the reason why. He suffered Physically, Mentally, Spiritually to ensure that we would escape. Sadly not many Christians seem aware of this or even try to appropriate what belongs to them. Friend, healing is the children's bread. Believe it and you'll see it. Everytime we have stood on his word in faith, we have seen healing come to pass. Sometimes instantaneously, other times over a period of time. Jesus provided healing as part of the atonement......To be contd on another day. Blessings blessings and more blessings!

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